Monday, 21 September 2015

Task 3 - Research into a marketing package for a film

Analysis of marketing package for Fight Club
DVD cover-
The DVD cover I have chosen to analyse is the Fight Club special edition which displays the films title in huge red letters of an easy to read font, making it very clear what the film is. The DVD cover also cleverly appears to be wrapped in brown parcel paper and string creating an intriguing concept leading the viewer to wonder why it is dispalyed in such a way. The DVD cover also uses a strange simplicity in it's cover as the front of the cover features no actor names whatsover, relying solely on the cover to intrigue a member of the public to be so intrigued they want to view the back of the DVD which continues the brown parcel paper design and explains the main plot very faguely, mentioning the lead characters in the text. A least of

Friday, 18 September 2015

Task H - Script

Scene 1: Film opens on the exterior of a warehouse the the camera quickly cuts to a shot of inside where we see a close up shot of the lead caharcter, Sarah's face with a tear running down it, with out giving anything away we then cut to the next scene.
Scene 2: The way the film is structured is so we next see the scene before the one we just saw and so on. So the next scene opens on a long shot of the character walking towards the warehouse, which cuts to a close up shot of her hand opening the warehouse which then cuts to a tracking shot of her setting up the noose.
Scene 3:

Monday, 14 September 2015

Task 11 Research Inspirations and directors

The idea I'm running with came to me through several short films and several techniques used by certain directors.
Spider (2007)
This short film influenced me in the way that it made me want to include a huge revelation in my film to the point that it makes the viewer feel so uncomfortable. This film directed and written by Nash Edgerton shows such a simple situation in which a couple are driving somewhere in silence after an argument and turns this situation completely on it's head. I first watched this film with a group of peopleand Nash's direction and his story's twist causes a gasp from every member of the audience but he doesn't just leave it there Nah's writing turns the simple situation of a woman being hit by a car on it's again with what happend to Nash's character.

Sir Ridley Scott
Scott is a 78 year old director born and raised in England and is famously known for creating phenomenal films, such as Thelma and Louise, Alien, Gladiator, Blade Runner and most recently the Oscar nominated 'The Martian'. This filmaker will witout a doubt go down in history but his films are much more to me than a pulsating joy ride like most of his films are there a perfect creation of tension to the point where you are completely enthralled in this characters stroy and cannot look away. A perfect example for this is the opening to his 2012 Alien prequel, Prometheus where the opening 3 minutes are a selection of panning shots of landscape a stragely tense set of shots, perfectly setting the scene for the rest of this film. This perfect use of landscape to create negative and tense feelings, is something I'd like to recreate in my film. As well as this use of landscape Ridley Scott is very good at creating strong an powerful female protagonists you are one hundred percent behind throughout. Examples of these protagonist are Ellen Ripley from 1979's "Alien" and Thelma and Louise from "Thelma and Louise" this creation of a strong female protagonist is something I have attempted to recreate in "Hara-Kiri" with my actress Chloe.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Planning - Task D Pitch

My pitch was mostly showing the short film, Taser which uses a technique I'd like to incorporate which is reversing the narrative also used in the film irreversible. This reversed narrative will show a short part of the end without giving the twist away and then a scene follows it that comes before it and so on. My story at the minute is a collection of 'inbetween moments' which are moments that happen around life, e.g. waiting for the bus, walking down the street humming. Normal things which will take a huge abnormal twist leaving the audience shocked. This big twist was suicide but after hearing thoughts from a focus group I've decided that's far to obvious of a twist instead my character will decide against suicide cross the road and get hit by a car in consequence dieing anyway.

Planning - Task C

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Task 9 - Analysis of at least 3 posters for a short film

Photobooth - Photobooths poster contains some interesting images with the ability to intrigue a reader but the quality of the poster itself is poor, maybe due to the low budget but the Photobooth looks very cgi and creates a tacky feel to the poster. The choice of font as well is very basic and doesn't help the poster come across as official, but it is very clear to read though very basic. The poster does create a certain sadness suggesting distress from the film itself. Overall a very basic poster it does put across the content of the film itself, a group of soldiers coming across a photobooth in the desert. The poster is tacky and seems quite basic but intrigues the viewer to watch the film by not giving to much away.
Spider - This poster takes a very different approach to the one above given nothing away apart from the fact the film involves a spider. The font is less clear but much more inventive giving off a very eery almost creepy feel. Sadly the writing underneath the title is so small and in such a small font that it is very hard to read and understand. The use of coulour in the poster is very clever using dark red and a light pink as the main colours creates a sense of trajedywith the use of blood red on a colour similar to that of skin. The use of a web image also suggests deceit as, for example a web of lies. The most important thing about the image which makes a viewer feel uncomfortable is the use of a spider image which is the cause of fear in a lot of people viewing the poster. Overall I believe it achieves it's job of not giving the story away and intriguing viewers but the font is at times undesipherable.

Cargo - My favourite of these posters is the one for the film Cargo, which at first glance gives off this idea of decay and sadness but when you look closer you realise the film is much more that that seeing at first the red balloon and then below a baby attached to a man's back alters the viewers perception of the film. This poster also contains one thing the others don't, a tagline, something I believe is crucial for a film to extend the curiosity of a viewer.

Task 8 - Prelim Photography Task - Realism Vs Surealism